Basic Shapes

In this module, you will familiarize yourself with the basics of persistence diagrams and the ripser library.

  • Bullet points indicate exercises or questions to be performed by the student(s)

First, we perform all of the necessary library imports.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from ripser import ripser
from persim import plot_diagrams
import time

Example 1: Circles

As a first example, we will make a circle. Once you understand this example, starting from the code below, see if you can modify the point cloud or come up with a new point cloud that does the following

Exercises / Questions

  • Increase the birth time of the H1 dot without changing the radius of the circle
  • Decrease the birth time of the H1 dot without changing the radius of the circle
  • What happens to H1 when you add a point that's at the center of the circle at position $(0, 0)$?
  • Change the point cloud so that there are two 1D dots with large (>1) but different persistences

In [ ]:
# Create 100 points on the unit circle
N = 100
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, N+1)[0:N]
X = np.zeros((N, 2))
X[:, 0] = np.cos(t)
X[:, 1] = np.sin(t)

# Compute the persistence diagram of this point cloud
dgms = ripser(X)['dgms']

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1])
plt.title("Point Cloud")

Example 2: Sphere And Projective Plane

We will now randomly sample some points on the two dimensional sphere and compute persistent homology up to dimension 2, using the intrinsic metric, which is the arc length between points. A point $X = (x, y, z)$ is randomly drawn from a 3D gaussian distribution

$(x, y, z) \sim \left(\frac{1}{2 \pi}\right)^{3/2} \exp{\left( - (x^2+y^2+z^2)/2 \right) }$

and normalized to have a length of 1 (why does this evenly sample on the sphere?)

Note that the arc length along a unit circle is equal to the angle subtending that circle in radians. Thus, given two unit vectors on the sphere $x_1$ and $x_2$, the arc length between them is $\cos^{-1}(x_1 \cdot x_2)$. We will implement this in code below to compute all pairwwise arc lengths between our sampled points on the sphere. We will then compute a rips filtration up to dimension 2.


  • How many essential classes are in H1 and H2? Does this match the homology of a sphere?

In [ ]:
# Step 1: Setup the point cloud
N = 200 #Number of points
X = np.random.randn(N, 3) #Draw from 3D Gaussian
X = X/np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, 1))[:, None] #Normalize each point to unit length

# Step 2: Compute all pairwise arc lengths between sampled points
dotProds = #Entry ij in this matrix holds the dot product between point i and j, or cos(theta)
#The dot products should be in [-1, 1], but may leave this range due to numerical roundoff
dotProds[dotProds < -1] = -1
dotProds[dotProds > 1] = 1
DSphere = np.arccos(dotProds) #The arc length is the inverse cosine of the dot products of unit vectors
np.fill_diagonal(DSphere, 0) #Be sure distance of points to themselves is zero

tic = time.time()
dgms = ripser(DSphere, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=2)['dgms']
print("Elapsed Time: ", time.time()-tic)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
ax = plt.subplot(121, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2])
plt.title("Sphere Samples")
plt.title("Persistence Diagrams")


  • Now see if you can perform a simple modification so that the sample points live on the projective plane $RP^2$ instead of the sphere; that is, re-compute the distances under the identification $x \~ -x$.

Hint: The arc length between two points on the unit projective plane can never exceed $\pi/2$ radians. As soon as the arc length goes past $\pi/2$, it starts to go back the other way

  • The code below will compute persistence diagrams with $\mathbb{Z} / 2$ coefficients and $\mathbb{Z} / 3$ coefficients. Is there a change? Why or why not?
  • Switch back to there sphere distance and look at the results with $\mathbb{Z} / 2$ coefficients and $\mathbb{Z} / 3$ coefficients. Is there a change? Why or why not?

In [ ]:
DRP2 = np.arccos(dotProds) #TODO: This line currently computes sphere distances; 
#update it so that it computes projective plane distances

np.fill_diagonal(DRP2, 0) #Be sure distance of points to themselves is zero

dgmsz2 = ripser(DRP2, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=2)['dgms']
dgmsz3 = ripser(DRP2, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=2, coeff=3)['dgms']
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))

Example 3: 3D Embedded Torus And Flat Torus

We will now sample points from a torus embedded in 3D and compute persistent homology up to H2. Given a parameter $R$ whih is the radius of a circle through the center of the tube and a parameter $r$ which is the width of the tube, we use the following equation for the 3D coordinates of a point $(\theta, \phi)$, where $\theta$ is along the $r$ radius circle and $\phi$ is along the $R$ radius circle:

$x = (R + r \cos(\theta)) \cos (\phi)$

$y = (R + r \cos(\theta)) \sin (\phi)$

$z = r \sin (\theta)$


  • What happens to the persistence diagram as you vary $R$ and $r$?

In [ ]:
N = 10000 #Number of initial points in (theta, phi) space
n_perm = 300 #Number of points to evenly subsample in 3D
R = 4
r = 2
theta = np.random.rand(N)*2*np.pi
phi = np.random.rand(N)*2*np.pi
X = np.zeros((N, 3))
X[:, 0] = (R + r*np.cos(theta))*np.cos(phi)
X[:, 1] = (R + r*np.cos(theta))*np.sin(phi)
X[:, 2] = r*np.sin(theta)
xr = [np.min(X.flatten()), np.max(X.flatten())]

#Now compute persistence diagrams up to H2 on a furthest points subsample
res = ripser(X, maxdim=2, n_perm=n_perm)
dgms = res['dgms']
X = X[res['idx_perm'], :] # Take out subsampled points

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
ax = plt.subplot(121, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2])
plt.title("Torus Samples, R = %g, r = %g"%(R, r))

Now we will sample points from a "flat torus." The domain is $[0, 1] \times [0, 1]$, with $(x, 0)$ identified with $(x, 1)$ and $(0, y)$ identified with $(1, y)$. The metric is simply the flat planar Euclidean metric


  • Fill in the code below in the function get_flat_torus_dists, which computes all pairwise distances of points on a flat torus. Right now, the code simply computes the Euclidean distance between points without any identifications.

Hint: You may need to use the function np.minimum

In [ ]:
def get_flat_torus_dists(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    Compute all pairwise distances between all points (x1, y1) and points (x2, y2)
    on the flat torus [0, 1] x [0, 1]
    x1 : ndarray (M)
        An M-length list of x coordinates of each point in the first point set
    y1 : ndarray (M)
        An M-length list of y coordinates of each point in the first point set
    x2 : ndarray (N)
        An N-length list of x coordinates of each point in the second point set
    y2 : ndarray (N)
        An N-length list of y coordinates of each point in the second point set

    D : ndarray (M, N)
        A distance matrix whose ijth entry is the distance along the flat torus between (x1[i], y1[i]) and (x2[j], y2[j])
    dx = np.abs(x1[:, None] - x2[None, :])
    dy = np.abs(y1[:, None] - y2[None, :])

    return np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

Now use your function to compute a distance matrix, run ripser, and verify that you get the correct signature for a torus

In [ ]:
res = 15 #Number of points along each dimension
#Sample slightly differently so that the two persistence dots won't be the same
gridx = np.linspace(0, 1, res+1)[0:res]
gridy = gridx*0.99
x, y = np.meshgrid(gridx, gridy)
x = x.flatten()
y = y.flatten()

# Compute the distance matrix, which is the distance between
# all points and themselves
D = get_flat_torus_dists(x, y, x, y)
np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
dgms = ripser(D, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=2)['dgms']
I1 = dgms[1]
I1 = I1[np.argsort(I1[:, 0]-I1[:, 1])[0:2], :]

Example 4: 4D Embedded Klein Bottle And Flat Klein Bottle

Though we can't embed the Klein bottle in 3 dimensions, we can in 4 dimensions with the following equations, which are similar to the 3D torus case but with a twist

$x = (R + r \cos(\theta)) \cos (\phi)$

$y = (R + r \cos(\theta)) \sin (\phi)$

$z = r \sin (\theta) \cos(\phi /2)$

$w = r \sin (\theta) \sin(\phi / 2)$

Let's now run this below, computing it with both $\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z} / 3 \mathbb{Z}$ coefficients


  • What is the difference with the different coefficients? Does the diagram look familiar to something we have already seen with $\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$ coefficients?

In [ ]:
N = 10000 #Number of initial points in (theta, phi) space
n_perm = 300 #Number of points to evenly subsample in 3D
R = 4
r = 2
theta = np.random.rand(N)*2*np.pi
phi = np.random.rand(N)*2*np.pi
X = np.zeros((N, 4))
X[:, 0] = (R + r*np.cos(theta))*np.cos(phi)
X[:, 1] = (R + r*np.cos(theta))*np.sin(phi)
X[:, 2] = r*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi/2)
X[:, 3] = r*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi/2)

#Now compute persistence diagrams up to H2
dgms2 = ripser(X, maxdim=2, coeff=2, n_perm=n_perm)['dgms']
dgms3 = ripser(X, maxdim=2, coeff=3, n_perm=n_perm)['dgms']

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.title("$\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$")
plt.title("$\mathbb{Z} / 3 \mathbb{Z}$")

Another way to obtain the Klein bottle is by a quotient map of the torus. For example, for the torus $[0, 1] \times [0, 1]$, make the identification $(x, y) \sim (x + 0.5, 1-y)$.


  • Create a function below that computes the distance from one point set on the Klein bottle to another point set on the Klein bottle.
    Hint: invoke your function to compute distances on the torus, then apply the quotient map

In [ ]:
def get_flat_klein_dists(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    Compute all pairwise distances between all points (x1, y1) and points (x2, y2)
    on the flat torus [0, 1] x [0, 1]
    x1 : ndarray (M)
        An M-length list of x coordinates of each point in the first point set
    y1 : ndarray (M)
        An M-length list of y coordinates of each point in the first point set
    x2 : ndarray (N)
        An N-length list of x coordinates of each point in the second point set
    y2 : ndarray (N)
        An N-length list of y coordinates of each point in the second point set

    D : ndarray (M, N)
        A distance matrix whose ijth entry is the distance along the flat Klein bottle
        between (x1[i], y1[i]) and (x2[j], y2[j]), where the flat Klein bottle is
        defined to be a quotient map over the torus $[0, 1] \times [0, 1]$
    D = get_flat_torus_dists(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    # TODO: Finish this; apply quotients on the torus to turn
    # it into a Klein bottle

    return D

In [ ]:
res = 15 #Number of points along each dimension
#Sample slightly differently so that the two persistence dots won't be the same
gridx = np.linspace(0, 1, res+1)[0:res]
gridy = gridx*0.99 #Only need to sample half in the y direction since there's a double cover
x, y = np.meshgrid(gridx, gridy)
x = x.flatten()
y = y.flatten()

# Compute the distance matrix, which is the distance between
# all points and themselves
D = get_flat_klein_dists(x, y, x, y)
np.fill_diagonal(D, 0)

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
dgmsz2 = ripser(D, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=2)['dgms']
dgmsz3 = ripser(D, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=2, coeff=3)['dgms']
plt.title("$\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$")
plt.title("$\mathbb{Z} / 3 \mathbb{Z}$")

Example 5: A Twisty Curve

For our final example in this module, let's take a closed loop that lives on the 3D torus from example 3 which travels twice around the $R$ radius circle for every once it travels around the $r$ radius circle. We will compute persistent H1 with $\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z} / 3 \mathbb{Z}$ coefficients.


  • What is the relationship between the H1 diagram with $\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$ coefficients and $\mathbb{Z} / 3 \mathbb{Z}$ coefficients? Can you relate the birth and death times between the two diagrams with a simple formula?

  • What shape does this curve bound? Can you explain the birth and death times in the $\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$ diagram in terms of this shape?

In [ ]:
NPoints = 400
R = 4
r = 2
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, NPoints+1)[0:NPoints]
phi = theta*2
X = np.zeros((NPoints, 3))
X[:, 0] = (R + r*np.cos(theta))*np.cos(phi)
X[:, 1] = (R + r*np.cos(theta))*np.sin(phi)
X[:, 2] = r*np.sin(theta)
xr = [np.min(X.flatten()), np.max(X.flatten())]

#Now compute persistence diagrams with Z/2 coefficients
dgms2 = ripser(X, maxdim=1, coeff=2)['dgms']
dgms3 = ripser(X, maxdim=1, coeff=3)['dgms']

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3))
ax = plt.subplot(131, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2])
plt.title("Torus Samples, R = %g, r = %g"%(R, r))
plt.title("$\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z}$")
plt.title("$\mathbb{Z} / 3 \mathbb{Z}$")

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